1 Psalm 65,66,67; Rom 2 17 Psalm 107,108; Rom 15:21-33
2 Psalm 68,69; Rom 3 18 Psalm 109-111; Rom 16
3 Psalm 70,71,72; Rom 4 19 Psalm 112-115; I Cor 1
4 Psalm 73,74; Rom 5 20 Psalm 116-118; I Cor 2
5 Psalm 75,76,77; Rom 6 21 Psalm 119:1-48; I Cor 3
6 Psalm 78; Rom 7 22 Psalm 119:49-104; I Cor 4
7 Psalm 79,80,81; Rom 8:1-18 23 Psalm 119:105-176; I Cor 5
8 Psalm 82,83,84; Rom 8:19-39 24 Psalm 120-123; I COR 6
9 Psalm 85,86,87; Rom 9 25 Psalm 124-127; I Cor 7:1-24
10 Psalm 88,89; Rom 10 26 Psalm 128-131; I Cor 7:25-40
11 Psalm 90,91,92; Rom 11:1-21 27 Psalm 132-135; I Cor 8
12 Psalm 93,94,95; Rom 11:22-36 28 Psalm 136-138; I Cor 9
13 Psalm 96,97,98; Rom 12 29 Psalm 139-141; I Cor 10:1-13
14 Psalm 99-102; Rom 13 30 Psalm 142-144; I Cor 10:14-33
15 Psalm 103,104; Rom 14 31 Psalm 145-147; I Cor 11:1-15
16 Psalm 105,106; Rom 15:1-20

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